Now, I don't want to spoil anything for you, but there's a point in The Bravest Squirrel Ever where Pippi feels that same desperation to see the light of day, feel the warmth of the sun, and scamper through the yard as only squirrels and small children can do.
Pippi the squirrel isn't brave and has no interest in earning the title of "The Bravest Squirrel Ever." Scared of thunder, lightning and being "flopped" by the humans, Pippi only wants to return to Mama's warm, cozy nest. Instead, she stumbles on a better nest. There's only one problem. It's in dangerous, forbidden human territory. The attic nest is too perfect for Pippi to resist, and she moves in. The humans soon discover her. Instead of driving her out, they seal off her only exit, trapping her inside. To escape and to survive, Pippi must face her fears and depend on herself for the first time in her life. In doing so, she learns just how brave a little squirrel can be.
To win a copy of The Bravest Squirrel Ever, please leave a comment telling me your favorite thing about summer. On June 1st, I'll pick one random winner from the comments. Make sure to include your email address and your preferred file type (Kindle, Nook or pdf) in your comments. Contest is open internationally. Extra brownie points for those who follow this blog, like The Bravest Squirrel Ever's Amazon page and like The Bravest Squirrel in the Forest's Amazon page.
As a special summer bonus, you can download the second book in The Bravest Squirrel series -- The Bravest Squirrel in the Forest -- free on Sunday, May 27th and Monday, May 28th only (exclusively on Amazon). Enjoy!